To apply to JCC Day Camps you will need to create an account.
This is the same account you will use to log into your staffing portal where you will upload paperwork and handle communications if your application is successful.
Please remember this log in information.
Account Login
Your current user session has expired, please login again to continue.
If you do not remember your password, we can email a reset account invitation so you can log back in through another browser tab and then continue your action from this browser tab.
Getting data...
Account Check
You may already have an account with us. It could be from a previous summer, prior contact with the Camp, or if you were referred to us by another family.
Before we move to the next step, we want to check our records. Please enter any other email addresses that you have used in the past few years.
Password Strength
A strong password contains a variety of different characters. Here are some good rules of thumb to follow when generating a password.
Length: A password should have a minimum of 6 characters.
Letters: A password should have both upper and lower case letters.
Numbers: A password should contain at least one number.
Symbols: A password should contain at least one symbol (!, @, #, $, ^, *, ?, _, ~).
Ineligible Symbols: You cannot use the following symbols (+, %, &).
Username: A password should be different from your username.
Create Account
We are going to create an account for you before you move to the next screen. The email you entered is:
Now, please enter a password that is at least 5 characters long.
Did you know that you already have an account with us? You may have an account from a previous season, an online information request, or if you were referred to us by another family.